Sports, And The Effect It Has On Your Child’s Performance
Date : February 27, 2017
Category : Low Rise Living

All work and no play make Jack, or any other child dull! And that’s not just a phrase. Compare the health of millennials to that of their previous generations – an obvious and rather undesirable difference exists. They were healthier, happier, stress-free, and largely disease-free. The positive effect of playing sports is unparalleled. It can improve children’s’ physique, their health, reduce mental stress, and develop their personality, among other benefits. Moreover, those who regularly play sports are reported to show improved performance.
According to Dr. Glyn Roberts, a psychologist at the University of Illinois, “Sports can affect a child’s development of self-esteem and self-worth. It is also within sports that peer status and peer acceptance is established and developed.” Given the current times, where cut-throat competition and performance can make or break one’s future, sport is a much-needed, but an oft-ignored practice that families fail to appreciate and adopt.
While it’s easy to argue that times have changed, and children no longer have parks to play in, trees to climb, or the security and convenience to allow them to play unattended; parents can make subtle but certain changes to ensure that their children are not deprived of something so vital. Here’s how.
Plan For Sports
It doesn’t make sense to say that there’s no time. Time is limited to 24 hours a day. It’s up to parents and elders to set aside a fixed number of minutes wherein a child can practice a sport or explore a new one. In order to create and maintain a thorough routine, it makes sense to consider living in sports residences. This allows a child to make use of the facilities within the compound rather than spend long hours commuting across town.
Hit A Balance
Too much of anything can have a detrimental effect. As parents, it is important to allow your child time for both, academics and sports. To do so, chalk-out an everyday routine for your child. Schedule regular breaks after every study session that spans not more than two hours. Encourage their hobbies. Striking a balance between work and play is key.
Children who diligently practice a given sport tend to benefit from it. It’s a great way to make friends, find a sense of belonging, relieve stress, and handle peer pressure. Sports Apartments in Gurgaon such as The Center Court Prime offers world-class sports facilities for children and adults. This way, it’s easier to coach children within the residence and save them the long hours of travel.
So why not give your children a happy, active lifestyle that is blessed with sports and other exciting fun activities? Get on the road to being a fit family and live the good life with Ashiana Homes. Know more here!