An artist to a canvas, you to your home
Date : September 24, 2016
Category : Art of Home

Home is like a blank canvas; color it the way you want to. However, at times we need some hand holding to design our house in the latest, coolest trend. Check out this article. Go ahead and let yourself create the best you can.
The foremost thing on our mind after we buy a house is to decorate it in the loveliest colours, splash it with beautiful furniture and plan every minute detail to a Tee. What holds us back are either the finances or not having enough ideas to work on. Looking at all the info available right at our doorstep (read internet) we decided to compile it in one article and help you decide what will suit your house the best.
We all need some inspiration, some tips to decorate our home. Each room has to be decorated individually but the result should synchronise with the overall decor of the house. Highlighting the same point, stylestagedsold.blogs puts emphasis on deciding a theme for your home and then start working on it.
“Not sure how to use a home decor theme in a room? No worries, it’s easy to use a theme to add personality into a space…the hardest part is deciding what theme to show off.”
“You have so many themes to choose from. Whether you take a cue from a location, design style, season, or even a beloved kids’ character there are five tips you should follow when working a theme into your home decor.”
Tips to decorate your home
This room is your own personal space, which you want to design as per your taste and comfort. That is what says in one of its articles on decorating your bedroom.
“Your bedroom is your personal sanctuary, so why give it the short end of the stick when it comes to design?
A few simple tweaks will leave you with a bedroom so dreamy you won’t even want to fall asleep.”
Kids Room
As your bedroom is your personal sanctuary similarly kid’s room is your kid’s personal space, a place where they can do and live, as they want to. in one of its articles has described the best way to decorate your child’s room.
“A child’s surroundings can have a huge impact on how they grow and develop, so parents always try to make their childrens’ living spaces as comfortable and fun as possible within their means.”
Study Room
This room is meant for some serious work but that does not mean that it has to be boring, it can be as cool as you want. Read what has to say about it.
The study room is a space that should reflect a person’s character and individuality. It should be organised, furnished and decorated in a way that allows the user to feel comfortable and productive and shouldn’t include distractions. However, this doesn’t mean it has to be austere and boring.
Living Room
Considered as family’s favourite room, your living room reflects your taste, style and opulence. It is a place to showcase to your near and dear ones and at the same time, appealing enough for you to want to spend more and more time here. has hit the nail on the head when it talks about decorating your living room.
“If you could only choose one room in your home to put your heart and soul into designing, the living room would top the list. It’s that treasured (and often off-limits) space that sets the tone for your entire decorating style.”
A house has its own character, which is defined by the people living in it. Make use of the above-mentioned ideas and make your home more beautiful.